New Collection Services Geared Towards Minority Owned Businesses
9/15/14 HRMA introduces new services for startup collection agencies. Many new business opportunities are available for minority based small businesses. Many minority entrepreneurs focus on fianncial services including collection agencies and credit repair companies. HRMA offers solutions for more
Update from Capitol Hill
9/13/14 September 9, the Senate VA-HUD Appropriations Subcommittee approved its funding bill. The allocations were approved by a rare polling method that ... read more
Housing Authority Serves as a Model
2/24/14 Paris Housing is the first in the nation to use a trial system to prosecute residents who have misrepresented their income. Now their housing authority serves as... read more
NAHRO's 2014 Legislative Agenda
2/23/14 Will the current legislative climate of this years elections make it difficult to preserve and increase finding for housing, community and economic development... read more
Public housing impact studied
10/29/13 Major residential developer in the city, the impact the agency has underscores how lower-profile projects in underprivileged segment of the population are unexpected but significant more